cliveb;692352 Wrote: 
> I am one of those who believes in using only a power amp. The
> fundamental rationale is that of all the electronic components there
> are in a HiFi system, the preamp is the least transparent and it's
> therefore worth eliminating it.
> The crucial step in connecting a Squeezebox directly to a power amp is
> setting what's known as the "gain staging" right. To aim here is to
> arrange things so that when the Squeezebox's own volume control is at
> maximum, the playback is as loud as you'll ever want (but no louder).
> Then just use the Squeezebox's volume control for day-to-day
> adjustment. The only time you'll turn it down so far that it may affect
> the quality will be when you're just playing stuff quietly as
> background, in which case the slight loss of quality isn't really an
> issue.
> Some power amps *do* have volume controls, some others have presets you
> can adjust. Just set these once and you're done. For power amps that
> don't have volume controls, you will probably need to insert some
> passive attenuators, which you can either buy (typically a few tens of
> dollars/pounds/euros) or make yourself (for a few
> dollars/pounds/euros).
> See this wiki page for a more detailed discussion:

Well said. The classdaudio amps have built in volume controls on the
back, which are perfect for this purpose. When I was using the
McCormack amp with the squeezebox, I used a pair of Endler

I'm sure there are other places to get stepped attenuators, but this
worked for me.


sb touch -> classdaudio sds-450 -> audio physic tempo 4 + rel storm 3 &
rythmik f12se
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