Phil Leigh;693025 Wrote: 
> What "field data"? - are you seriously expecting us to take heed of some
> anecdotal claim that there are audible difference between 2 bit-perfect
> rips? 
> Some of the people here have done/listened to more rips than you or the
> guys at TAS or even at Record companies could imagine... 100,000's of
> them!
> No-one here claims/believes there is a difference. So that's "field
> data" for you.
> The whole point of the SB streaming model is that bit-perfect rips to
> hard disk eliminate the computer and it network  - ALL of the software
> and hardware - from the replay chain. Ethernet packets arrive in SB
> player - they could have come from anywhere. They only hold data... no
> magic... and more importantly nothing that can be damaged/changed
> without us noticing. Don't believe me? - try playing back a dts or HDCD
> stream...
> We can discuss endlessly what happens within the SB player and/or
> attached DAC (if any) but all discussion about what happens prior to
> the SB player begins and ends with having a bit-perfect rip (a
> mathematically trivially provable thing, unlike all audio snake oil).
> Please we've been discussing this for the last 7+ years!
> There's no difference if I send this post from my Laptop, PC or iPad.
> Same data... this is COMPUTING not AUDIO. Computing has very rigid
> rules. Audio has almost no rules.
> There's no AUDIO until inside the SB...
> As for WAV/FLAC, I see both Linn & Naim will happily sell you and let
> you playback both. Good for them. The data content is identical. What
> happens inside the player is a whole different issue.

This rather misses the point: they weren't writing about the Squeezebox
or even the streaming model in most cases. This is AUDIO with COMPUTING
devices. Some of you forget this: anything you attach to a sensitive
device influences it: you can't wave a wand and say that hideous power
supply is now magically OK because it's a computer: the amplifier and
DAC don't care about its ability to process numbers: they only care
about getting a clean signal, without intermod distortion. Computers
fail epically in this regard.

Where the data comes from, and how it is ripped, is absolutely
irrelevant to the WAV v FLAC question: that's (once again) all about
changes within the local playback environment. It's hard to know
whether forum members are deliberately turning a blind eye to this
stuff for rhetorical effect, or have genuinely been conditioned to
believe it's unimportant.

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