darrell;693130 Wrote: 
> There are an infinite number of unfounded hypotheses which we could
> consider, but it would be a complete waste of time. Of course,
> scientists sometimes need imagination to take a leap into the unknown,
> and discover something new about our universe. But let's not kid
> ourselves - the assertion that a binary data file is identical to
> another binary data file, but at the same time not capable of
> delivering the same information content, is not an issue at the
> frontiers of science, it is simple madness.
> Without some sort of quality control (not to say a sanity filter), we
> might as well all go looking for Russell's teapot.


I would include the alleged WAV FLAC difference here and " only
experience count "is bs, well this difference is mostly reported in
sigthed test anecdotes by audiophiles aka crackpots , do you want an
more unreliable source of " information "if so I don't know where to
find it.

Take this question to hydrogen audio they have exhausted the subject
thoroughly for us . So we can move on to do something else.

completely different environment WAV/flac ? The PC literally do >1000's
of things at the same time the 
exceptionally undemanding task of yet open another file of any kind
makes a difference ?? The " environment " change more depending on
where on the disk the file is or what weekday it is.

The laws of probability is against that any serous effort is to be
spent chasing the unicorn in this case.

There is well established explanations for this ( and most other tweak
crap ) available from the field of psychoacoustic one name for it is
expectation bias or placebo or confirmation bias, this is the most
explanation .

And why is there no anecdotes that says that FLAC is better than WAV ;)
the offered explanation model of " environment " could easily apply to
this POW to ( this makes this " explanation " crap but anyway ).

Because in audiophile cargo cult fairytale land " compression " is such
a scary word and the ignorant can't se the difference between lossles
and lossy so this myth gained momentum and as all audiophile myths it
never goes away :-/ initially some audiofools thought FLAC was similar
to mp3 , you still get questions like this on some fora, sigh.

The typical audiophile knee jerk reaction that you have to try yourself
for everything is pure nonse , you must filter out things for example
I'm not very likely to try out any magic pebbles from machine dynamica
anytime soon .
Nor I'm I likely to try homeopathy when I'm unwell there really is no
mechanism by which it could work.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
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