totoro;693725 Wrote: 
> Not sure that either people are capable in general of detecting
> bullshit, or that it's strictly relevant here
> Partially I like to argue for the fun of it. Partially because people
> like item_audio who spew bullshit really annoy me, and I don't see any
> reason why they should be given a free reign. Partially because all my
> friends are engineers and scientists, and I'm embarrassed to be called
> an audiophile, because the term has been brought into disrepute by this
> kind of stuff, and all during my youth I aspired to be one.
> But the increasing lack of privacy online makes any possible real
> harassment by nutters (and I must hasten to say that I'm not including
> you in that class) potentially damaging.

People are in general not so good at  detecting bullshit , the whole
alternative medicine circus is prime example society is rife with this
. There is simply to much to learn in modern life there will exist some
situation in life where all of us are gullible idiots and consequently
people who prey on this and want to separate us from our money.

I also think that audio once was an respectable hobby has turned in to
a parody and is closer to new age crystal therapy than engineering
these days and it makes me genuinely embarrassed .
I want to reboot the audio hobby to what it once was.

Speaking of brainwashed by the cult , been there done that got the
T-shirt, I have a closet full of bizarre cables .

TAS and the other cultists are propagating this kind of uncritical
magical thinking, pseudoscience is not isolated to hifi ( just as audio
is not a special case of engineering with other laws of physics ) and is
a real problem any movement that is a part of this larger problems
deserves to put down sometimes.

And it is not harmless even for audio due to this cargo cult
engineering :

In the best case scenario the product is just over engineered and
overly fancy parts of the products have been designed not for sq but to
cater for audio fool believes for example bewaring terminals special
boutique components, but the design is working it may be 5-10 times
more expensive than it should be but at least it is a decent design.

Then there is completely crackpot designs that are extremely expensive
and useless as audio products like audionote they are actually worse
than any cheap brand-name reciever you can find .
There is no special magic with high thd low power high output impedance
inability to drive speakers.
This is cargo cult you attribute emotional states to the machines used
to reproduce the music the amps don not sing for you it is the
musicians that makes the music not the hifi system, the thinking error
here is that it is the hifi that needs to be musical .

But the Sfx stops at the studio to actually hear what's on the discs
you should strive to the usual boring stuff like flat frequency
response low thd low noise .
And to drive speakers, power this is greatly overlooked just have the
power reserve to never drive 
anything to clipping and the sound is very relaxed and grain free.

And then we stuff somewhat in-between decent DAC " improved " by tube
outputs .

And all the over design that is done to speak to audiophiles emotions,
with gold handles and glowing tubes chromed covers audio bling bling ,
when are people going to realise that box cost more than it's content.
Futuristic looking speakers any one ? my own main speakers is at some
fault here they would be better in a more PMC like box a cube on a
stand deep with small surface area as it is now the midrange is to
close to the floor , but such boring designs are unmarketable .
This is not functional at all more like expensive interior design
sculptures people buy 20000$ stand mounts 2 way speakers may be good
speakers but not by far the optimal method of transforming the signal
from the amp to sound waves, for the money .

And the conservatism active speakers are hardly known by audiophiles as
an example.
So time stand stills in audiophile country it is basically the same
stuff over and over again and of course mkIII is of the same old design
is more expensive ;) it always is .

So the " harmless " audiophile cult has catered us with garish
expensive junk called high end and and a time machine worthy of doctor
who where we can enjoy bygone engineering standards abandoned by any
sane designer at ridiculous prices .

They are of course products that brims over with solid engineering but
you have to look for them and even then it can be slightly backwards
due to market demands for example the silliness of not having tone
controls anymore in very expensive preamps.


Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad 64gB wifi +3g with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
Mnyb's Profile:
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