
I'm experiencing issues with a Squeezebox Touch connected to a Rotel
1570 when the sampling/bit rate of sources switch.

I have a SqueezeBox Touch connected via digital toslink directly to the
Rotel (I've also tried coax digital).There is no analog connection

Whenever I play a 96Khz or 88Khz 24 bit source, and then select a 16Bit
44.1 KHz redbook source/song, the song becomes distorted. Its very low
and garbled in sound.
I can always play 44.1 to 88 or 96 with no issues. However, if I play a
Hi-RES file then a 44.1Khz file, the audio is low and highly distorted

This occurs with either a Wav or FLAC file.

All songs are being played on the SqueezeBox connected to the same
input BTY. I've tried different inputs on the Rotel - same issue. The
only way I can get the audio back, is to power down the Rotel and
restart or switch the inputs on the Rotel.

So....initially it appeared to be the fault of the Rotel DAC's.
HOWEVER....If I take the same files, and play them through my Oppo
bluray player, connected using the same cable and input to my Rotel,
all is well....So the issue is stemming from the SBT. The files play
perfectly from the USB key.

I'm using the following Software and firmware versions on a Mac OS
10.7.2 tower with 14GB of RAM:

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.1 - r33735

If there is anybody out there who can make a suggestion on how to
correct this, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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