rgro;697470 Wrote: 
> Gotta' vote with Jeff Flowerday, PasTim and HumanMedia. "No harm, no
> foul."  Soundcheck's mods and SBGK's mods to Soundcheck's mods are
> entirely optional.  People can try them or not and use or discard them
> as they choose.  I tend to believe that most folks here are intelligent
> enough to understand that it's just experimentation.  If someone tries
> the various mods and, after a bit of listening time, feels their
> system's sound has benefited, then great. If there's no perception of
> benefit or it's detrimental, they can put things back to the original
> Logitech settings.  Each of gets to form our own, admittedly
> subjective, opinion/perceptions based on our own experience.  Why is
> that such an affront? 
> (I'd underline this if I could!) but n the context of this thread , I
> don't particularly care whether the perceived benefit is real or
> imagined. I understand that it could, theoretically, be neither,
> either, or some of both and, in this case, that's actually just fine
> with me. 
> It only costs me a few minutes of my time---which is entirely my choice
> to spend---to try these modifications. Anyone who's read even the
> tiniest fragment of this and other threads can pretty much figure out
> that, absent double-blind listening tests, getting to any conclusive,
> objective evidence of a real positive change doesn't exist.  So, then,
> it becomes subjective and a matter of opinion--to my mind not much
> different than my arguing that I like Mahler better than Mozart.  And,
> I personally think that's a kind of discussion that can and should be,
> at the least, tolerated with the clear understanding that we are having
> that sort of subjective discussion.
> Neither of these fellows is trying to hoodwink people out of any money
> and, from the beginning, this entire thread is about nothing more than
> the perception of better sound as a result of trying the various mods. 
> I see nothing at all wrong in continuing this thread.  I find no small
> delight---not in the hyperbole, rancor, and attacks from either side of
> this particular issue---but in the very human quest to "make things
> better".
> Really, if one objects to what Soundcheck, SBGK, and the various other
> folks who've contributed their tweaks and mods here, pay no more
> attention to them.  Most of us already know that there are substantive
> objections. The rehashing of those over and over again, along with the
> personal attacks, is just as annoying to folks who enjoy trying these
> mods as the "second coming" claims are to those who think the mods are
> B.S.  We've heard both sides ad nauseum.  
> If the Logitech moderators feel the thread is genuinely detrimental to
> the product, I have no doubt that this thread would quickly disappear. 
> Otherwise, please allow each of us to weigh the already-stated pros and
> cons and form our own opinions.


Well put.

Guido F.


Marantz TT 15S1 Turntable, Virtuoso Wood Cartridge->Conrad Johnson
Motif preamp
Oppo BDP-83 Universal Player->Cambridge Azur 840C DAC
Vortexbox Appliance->WiFi Bridge->Squeezebox Touch->Toslink->Cambridge
Azur 840C DAC->Adcom GFP-750 preamp->Music Reference RM-200 Mk II amp
-> Martin Logan SL3s
DSpeaker Antimode 8033->REL T1 Sub
Squeezebox Touch (analog out)->Little Dot Mk III amp->AKG K701
Squeezebox Touch->Grado SR125 headphones
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