Mnyb;689974 Wrote: 
> In that whole series I find their finding that perfect digital copies of
> files sound different the most insane .

I've been having that argument over on AVForums in the Oppo 95 EU
forum. Apparently dbpoweramp sucks and EAC is much better, even if they
both report accurate rip and produce identical files the EAC one will
sound *SOOO* much better and I must be insane to be using dbpoweramp.
Also WAV is significantly superior to FLAC (because decoding the FLAC
messes up the timing) and if I can't hear the difference then either my
hearing or my hifi isn't up to scratch. Oh dear, the insanity of it.

I love the "your ears or hifi aren't good enough to hear it" excuse so
that they can dismiss my refuting them out of hand. I guess I should go
into business selling them 1000 pounds/dollars cat 5 cables.

Owen Smith
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