JohnSwenson wrote: 
> I hope I can try and do this without pictures, I don't have time right
> now to draw some nice pictures, so I'll try and be clear with the words.
John, thanks for your additional explanation. Let me summarise what I
think you're saying and I hope you can tell me if it's correct.

Here are the stages involved when using oversampling:

1. Stuff zero samples between the actual samples. (Actually, any random
values will do, zero just happens to be convenient, right?)
2. Use a digital filter to remove the artefacts above Fs/2.
3. Feed the oversampled signal (which now has a much higher Fs) into the
D/A stage.
4. Resulting analogue signal has aliasing artefacts much higher up the
frequency spectrum and so a much gentler analogue reconstruction filter
may be used.

Is that about right? Until now, I hadn't appreciated that step 2 was
required. I must say that it had always seemed unintuitive that just
stuffing extra samples into the data stream would shift the artefacts
up, but I have never fully understood the mathematics and just accepted
it based on the explanations of other authorities - who presumably were
oversimplifying. Now you've explained it in greater detail, it actually
makes sense.

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