how about using a buffer value of -1 ? this produces quite a difference
to the sound, I think it is worth trying, sound is a bit more out of the
speakers, the bass and detail are excellent and it is quite relaxing,
surprising really. probably one of the best buffer setting I have found.
again it was by accident I tried a value of 9999999999 and it overloaded
the parameter and jive_alsa started with a buffer of -1, I liked the
sound and thought hmm, that sounds ok.

here is the result of ps -eo pid,tid,class,pri,rtprio,cmd | sort -nrk 4

769   769 FF  134     94 jive_alsa -d hw:0,0 -c default -b -1 -p 2 -s
24 -f 3

see the -b has a -1 value next to it.

just replace the buffer section in the TT file with this and type TT -b
-1 to try this new setting, don't worry I have tested it and you can
change the buffer back eg TT -b 20000

buffer () {


if [ "`grep $DEFBUF $FILE2`" != "" ] ; then
ACTBUF="`ps -edf | grep jive_alsa | grep "\-b [-1-9][-1-9]*" | sed -e
's/.*-b \(.*\)\-p\(.*\)/\1/g' | sed -e 's/ //g'`"

echo "$ACTBUF" | grep  '[-1-9]\{1,8\}' || { echo "Problems finding
current buffer value!" ; exit 1 ; } ;

#echo "$1" | grep  '[0-9]\{4,5\}'
#if  [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
#   if  [ $1 -gt $MAXBUF -o $1 -lt $MINBUF ] ; then
#     echo "Input out of buffer-range of $MINBUF-$MAXBUF"
#     exit 1
#   fi
#     echo "Input out of buffer-range of $MINBUF-$MAXBUF"
#     exit 1

killproc ## processes must be killed here, because buffer value read
from process

sed -i "s#$ACTBUF#$1#g" $FILE1 $FILE2 >/dev/null

echo "**Buffer size configuration changed"


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