Soulkeeper wrote: 
> Absolutely not. Aerodynamics has its root in observation (of e.g.
> birds), trial and error, and 'the gradual collection of knowledge about
> various subjects, and eventually combining it all into one working
> framework' ( -It was
> *not* stumbled upon by people blindly flailing around in the dark-, as
> you seem to imply.

Aw, c'mon why so serious?  If you wanted to be so accurate you would
have stated that, in fact, aerodynamics has it's true roots in
Archimedes' studies of fluids.  However, prior to da Vinci, nobody had a
clue about how to make non-bird objects fly and even da Vinci's crackpot
;) ideas didn't see the light of day until the 19th century.  The word,
itself, didn't come into usage until the mid 1800's.  Accretion of the
99% of true aerodynamical knowledge has, in a historical context, come
in an astonishingly short period of time.  And, back to the original
point I took issue with: were everyone that has contributed to
aeronautics imbued with your philosophy that "If you don't expect a
tweak to make a change, you're not very likely to apply the tweak", I
don't believe we'd have had anywhere near the progress (in aeronautics,
electronics, or anything else, for that matter) that we enjoy.  Not
exactly people (or monkeys) blindly flailing, but, IMHO, people having
the cajones to try stuff that, by all current wisdom, would have had no
expectations of working. But, clearly, we come at this whole issue from
a vastly different perspective and will have to agree to disagree. 

Soulkeeper wrote: 
> I don't know, It feels like this discussion has run out of steam
> somehow.   I agree!!!!

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