Triode wrote: 
> Please read the rest of this thread (at least from post #56 onwards) -
> although some have claimed 0.6 sounded better than 0.7, no one has
> stepped up to the challenge of testing the two binaries against each
> other and validating that they really hear a change and/or that there is
> a difference in the active configuration used.
> If you want to use an earlier version then you will need to manually
> install - you can find the earlier version here:
> However if you do this, please post something to this thread which
> verifies what has changed and how it impacts sounds quality - I don't
> want rumours of old versions having better sound quality to maintain
> without justification and evidence - all future versions will be based
> on the current version until someone proves that something which has
> changed should be reverted.

that's the problem Triode, you ask for feedback and so far you have not
believed what people tell you and , in fact, have belittled the comments
about 0.6 vs 0.7, why should we try your different binaries if you don't
believe what people say and also if you can't hear the difference in
your system. please tell us what proof will be acceptable to you.

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