cliveb wrote: 
> OK, I realise that what I'm about to say is sh*t-stirring of the first
> order, but it has to be said...
> You keep banging on about "high end speakers", and the need to use them
> to hear the difference a top-end DAC makes. But you only have a pair of
> Diablos, so I can't see how you get to hear these differences. Just
> because they cost a lot of money doesn't make them high-end. There are
> audio jewelry, like a Rolex that looks great but keeps worse time than a
> Seiko.

A bit shortsighed and insulting.  Focal is among the top speaker
designers in the world.  They design and manufacture both cabinets and
drivers at the statement level all the way down to entry level.  Their
tweeters have been used by Dave Wilson, btw (or is Wilson making
expensive crap too?).  The new Utopia line has received nothing by the
highest praise from around the globe and my personal experience has been
exceedingly positive.  And yes, everyone who understands anything about
audio recognizes that not all speakers are created equal.

Your watch analogy doesn't equate and I won't bother with it.

It is a shame that Ralph has taken such a poor tone.  This is supposed
to be an audiophile forum.  A sad day when the finest speakers are
considered nothing more than overpriced pomp.  A true shame.

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