Archimago wrote: 
> Excellent point. Maybe in yesteryear (back in the 80's perhaps), there
> was much to criticize in terms of jitter, digital cable quality,
> ultimate sound quality. But I think since the 2000's at least, "digital
> done right" is more of a rule now on the hardware side than an exception
> at least with reputable gear (I'll have to try out what a $30 DVD player
> from WalMart measures like one day!).
> I am actually more concerned about the software side where music is
> being compressed to death and no matter what quality gear, it just
> sounds LOUD.

1. Call me a cynic but I do think you are more likely to find "digital
done wrong" in the opposite end of the price scale , where lets call it
"unorthodox solutions" are employed  .

2. +1 The main problem is the loudness war ,give me good
mastering/recording on cassette tape any day I'll take that over 24/192
or DSD :)

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