AlexM wrote: 
> Yes, this is in comparison between SPDIF and USB outputs from the same
> SBT running the EDO plug-in. I can also tell the difference between
> Toslink and SP/DIF (Toslink sounds smoother but a bit lacking in detail,
> imaging and bass, SP/DIF is more detailed, more 'air' and deeper bass).
> USB is more like the toslink output in character, but has a nice
> 'liquid' quality to the sound, although reble seems to slightly
> rolled-off and weight isn't quite as impactful.
> It will be interesting if anything shows up in comparison between
> measurements for SPDIF and USB.
> Cheers,
> Alex
hmm..surprising you should hear these differences even with your 851c. I
hear the same characteristics (glass toslink/zu ash) with my humble
Panny and to a smaller extent with my TACT S2150. This is the reason I
am banking on Archimago to settle the issue once for all, atleast for a
few of us involved in the discussions here. (no pressure, Archimago :-)
I got into Squeezebox because I felt architecturally it is the best way
to do computer audio. My main reasons - a) it is not dependent on
computer hardware/power supply for the digital output. b) It is
'asynchronous'  .i.e can handle network bandwidth/congestion. c) It is
easier to provide a clean/good power supply to a smaller device than a
computer (more complex).
Only caveat was, Slimdevices themselves confused me by introducing a
higher-end - Transporter. And now, the whole industry is after
'asynchronous USB' when the whole architecture was already there in SB.

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