Archimago wrote: 
> NO problems with jitter WiFi at all.
> .....
> With the advent of USB (especially the "horrors" of adaptive USB), it
> provided another opportunity to drag out the jitter boogeyman. I'll have
> to look into my adaptive USB (the AUNE X1) again, but as I recall, it
> didn't look too bad... Async USB devices measure better but IMO adaptive
> USB jitter was inaudible already (at least something as pedestrian as my
> "Mark I" X1) - at least better than TosLink.

I can see from the above response that we are in almost complete

Jeff52 wrote: 
> Well Ralph that is precisely why I would like to see the measurements as
> I believe there is a correlation as to how sources measure and their
> sound. The Sabre has a "reputation" as a good DAC but I have no idea how
> the two DAC circuits compare to each other and to something like a Touch
> and Transporter. The price difference between the units is around
> $500.00 and all relates to the audio sections as the video circuit is
> the same. The 105 does have a toroidal lineal power supply and USB input
> which reflects some of the price difference, but I really don't have a
> problem with a well-designed low-noise switching power supply.

My main concern with respect to measurements versus actual listening is
that neither one should trump the other but rather there should be a
balance between the two. Right now in the Jitter War (hey we have the
Loudness War so why not the Jitter War) the usually subjective,
"listening trumps measurements" audiophile press are using jitter
measurements to wage their little war. And as many of us have been
pointing out throughout this thread most of the time the jitter which
shows up in the measurements doesn't matter because it CAN'T be heard!

So sure measure has much you can but listen as well and understand that
some measurements really don't mean all that much. This obsession with
jitter kind of reminds me of the obsession with tweeters that can
reproduce 50Khz tones - great but NO ONE can hear 50kHz tones however
they can be measured so tweeter that can reproduce these tones MUST be
better. Nonsense.

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