SoftwireEngineer wrote: 
> Archimago - you are probably noticing only the jitter characteristics of
> the SPDIF transceiver chip in the X1 - WM8805 (atleast when using the
> coaxial input). It is also possible that the USB output also passed
> through this before the DAC chip. That will explain the lack of any
> effect from the load on the computer. I am following leeperry on head-fi
> he know how to find out the source jitter by connecting it to DACs
> without any buffer/de-jittering chips. BTW, the WM8805 is a wonder which
> otherwise (10 years ago or so) needed a discrete implementation in the
> Genesis Digital Lens.
> Now these transceiver chips (WM8804/5, CS8414/6 are showing up in cheap
> ebay DACs/converters and helping make jitter as a non-issue even in
> affordable electronics.
> Note, though such quality chips were not available in the past and it is
> better to upgrade to new electronics even at low-mid price levels.

Thanks for the info.  Interesting. Clearly the whole jitter issue is
becoming less and less significant as these low priced receiver chips
permeate everything!

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