SoftwireEngineer wrote: 
> Oh my goodness ...there is only a very slight difference between the 1
> one and the 60th generation. 60th generation either has 60 times the
> jitter (or is it 120 or 120-1 ?) and still the difference is only very
> little. This is the best way to test for jitter. Every D/A  and A/D will
> add some jitter, if a system cannot resolve this or you are unable to
> hear any difference, then 60 times the jitter is unnoticeable. How much
> jitter can one reduce in the playback chain ? Do the digital cables or
> any tweaks reduce jitter by 50-100 times ? Very interesting. Thanks for
> the link..

That's the least of the problems you also add a lot of noise and thd and
the normalisation process can't be transparent either.

The take home piont is that you have to do it 60 times with a "crap"
DAC/ADC to get close to the limits of human hearing .

Now what are the probability of hearing these huge differences " blacker
blacks " and "lifted veils " described by the audio press ?
Especially comparing really well designed DAC's :) a modest sense of
proportions would be fitting no ?
Things that the audio press should do , is like Archimago done with his
ASUS DAC discover that some features are broken with the ASUS over
sampling filter implementation this test would not pass it's audible in
1 iteration .

The quality of the  small signal electronics in modern audio is clearly
beyond human hearing acuity if it's properly done .
But much stuff has a lot of functionality and modes and settings so
there is always the possibility for anomalies to sneak in , like in the
Asus case . And the equipments ability to interface and function with
other stuff can make clear differences. So testing without measuring
like some magazines do is just silly , the product may have issues but
you may not easilly discover them if you not stumble over the use case
that reveals it .

Another case was on this very forum where a gentleman had a preamp that
was clearly overdriven by input signals over 1 volt ? And the Touch has
> 2 volt , an extreme example of flawed design as almost all modern
sources has more than 1 volt out , but I could not remember  a more
subtle example rigth now .

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