Quad wrote: 
> I still don't have an optical cable. But I A-B-testet:
> - Touch -> coax -> M51
> - foobar -> HDMI -> M51
> The M51 has one volume control for all inputs and I couldn't measure the
> db-level due to the lack of a pressure meter.
> While these are not optimal double blind conditions, it still is a
> controlled straight forward instantaneous A-B test. My wife switched
> sources for me.
> Unfortunately I can't post a log, but differences are there, easier to
> identify than FLAC vs. 320kbps.
> What could be the reasons for that? I really want to know.

Hard to say Quad. What's the setup for the HDMI - off a graphics card,
motherboard? What computer are you using? I presume there's no sample
rate conversion, ReplayGain, or anything like that going on...  As you
probably know, there's been some talk about jitter for HDMI on some gear
being in the multiple-nanosecond range (I think the M51 should be much
better but who knows how the computer-DAC interface functions in this
regard). Stereophile measurements look very good but they didn't bother
checking the HDMI interface.

I presume the Touch is at 100% volume, no transcoding/bit rate
limiting/server resampling.

Here's something you can also try once you get a TosLink - connect BOTH
of the Touch's coaxial and TosLink to the M51 and verify if the
interfaces sound about the same through the same player before
connecting the CDP vs. Touch.

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