The irony in all of this is that it really isn't all that difficult to
get a good digital copy of an analog master. One simply plays the tape
and records it in digital format leaving adequate headroom for whatever
peaks are present. There is no extra processing required or applied.
It's no surprise that the resulting digital copy sounds amazingly like
the master tape. 

For example, in 1975 I recorded Stan Kenton live at Drury College in
Springfield, MO. It was a very simple mike set-up into a Tandberg open
reel. Years later, I transferred that to CD format with excellent
results. The same is true of all of the several studio tapes of which
I'm lucky enough to possess a copy. 

The problem is that "remastering" can only address certain issues. It
cannot fix a poor microphone choice, where it was placed, the mixing
level that was chosen or any special effects that were directly applied
to the live feed. Even if multi-track, most remasters are not remixed,
so again there are a whole slew of choices that cannot be changed. 

Now, on some remasters, there are certain digital tools that can be used
to try to "fix" some of the original choices, but they have their own
downside. The cure may be worse than the disease. This is especially
true if the person doing the remastering is taken with the current
fashions in music production. 

As far as one particular remaster sounding "far different" from another
release of the same album, I'm beginning to suspect the subjectivist
gene is always biologically paired with the hyperbole gene on one of the
chromosomes. They always seem to accompany each other. However, I guess
I listen to music a bit differently than some. For example, last night I
enjoyed the Sons of Champlin album "Welcome To The Dance" (Columbia,
1973, converted from LP) and felt no particular need to start a search
for a differently mastered version. I basically had two choices in
listening. One was to focus on the things I wish had been done
differently in the original recording and the other was to just enjoy
the music. I chose the latter.

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