garym wrote: 
> Archimago has done a lot of this quite nicely (option b).  So have
> others (plenty of threads at that discuss, provide
> references to technical peer-reviewed papers, etc.).   None of this
> makes a bit of difference to the audiophools who refuse to believe. 
> They instead try to come up with twisted arguments as to why
> double-blind tests are not valid when it comes to audio or simply
> declare that one's system is not revealing enough to hear the
> (unmeasurable) benefits from better USB cables or the jitter reduction,
> etc.

I believe that it goes much deeper. For the most part audiophiles follow
the advice and recommendations given in the various high end audio
magazines and it is these publications which provide the basic ground
rules on how to dismiss the objectivists' claims. More than once have I
read in the pages of these magazines how double blind tests are invalid,
how measurements don't reveal the whole truth, etc. Since there is
plenty of money to be made selling $20 worth of parts and labor for $500
the manufacturers willingly provide these magazines with the revenue
they need to produce slick looking publications filled with reviews of
super expensive equipment, which are also provided by the

And what do the objectivists get? Nothing. No loaner equipment - who in
their right mind would lend a very costly piece of equipment to a
publication that might actually write a very negative review? And who
would advertise $2,000 cables in a magazine that writes how well made
inexpensive cable is all one needs? And so the objectivist side gets the
occasional home made publication which lacks any of the refinement and
slickness of the big name publications. Plus the objectivists never get
invited to sit on the panels at the various audio shows, which just so
happen to be sponsored by the high end audio magazines in partnership
with the manufacturers. The end result is that the objectivists often
end up appearing to be little more than crackpots doing their best Don
Quixote imitation has their charge at the windmills of the audio world.

Luckily for the objectivists the internet gives them a chance to get
their views out to public. Here's a good example of a individual with
very valid complaints being reduced to crackpot status and marginalized
in spite of the basic reasonableness of his claims.

Which is to be expected whenever one attempts to speak truth to power

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