i don't find it surprising; without knowing what system he used, some
artifact in the unpacking of FLAC for playback could have an audible
effect.  in my own system, using a transporter for playback, I hear a
difference between Apple Lossless and AIFF, with a distinct preference
for the latter.  i also hear a difference between wired and wifi.  this
does not necessarily mean the technologies or codecs are inherently
superior, just that, when computers are involved, hardware, software,
codecs, connectivity all have an effect.

as to whether that effect is audible to you, or if it is, whether you
care, and if you do, which you prefer, and if you have a preference,
whether you're willing to spend money for your preference...these are
different questions.

fyi, i made a similar observation once to Bob Stuart at Meridian, and
his response, in a nutshell, was "everything matters."

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