Heh! Thats why it is still marketing writing by benchmark. They must
mean simply "Aliasing" with this "image fold back"
What is for sure that this so called Apodizing/minimal phase filters
often are used together with filters that don´t filter strong enough at
22kHz so these do alias for sure. 
If the filter is steep enough some aliasing can´t hurt, it will only
happen at very low level. An apodizing filter that does work for sure is
the Meridian one, no aliasing and no pre-ringing but frequencies above
18.5kHz change in phase and amplitude. Of course that is what i doubt
really changes audibility with modern DACs. It is just that Meridian has
a nice patent here to sell and attract.

Also always think about what you do resample. Many 44.1kHz material
already is filtered steep at below 21kHz. Using a strong ringing filter
that does this at 21.5kHz for example doesn´t hurt at all because there
is no content that can ring :)

One funny thing i noticed together with this is that even Pyramix seems
to have a strange vision about Apodizing. Look at the graph here for
"Pyramix 7 (Apodizing Filter)" http://src.infinitewave.ca/
It strangely has a linear phase response and aliasing. Huh? This must be
a simple standard filter that allows aliasing, no sign of apodizing at
all. I wonder if Pyramix has more strange settings for their filters and
thats why some "experts" hear Pyramix filter sounding better with
strange non-linear settings.

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