Julf wrote: 
> Not true! There are all those sharp square bit-shaped steps in the
> signal. And anyway, you can't get the timing more precise than a sample
> interval!
> (yes, purely joking - aren't those the top 2 misconceptions about
> digital?)

At the risk of going off topic... Evidently stair steps and jittery
audio aren't a problem anyways! Just ask the NOS DAC audiophiles.

The man himself:

"PQ: It's not a question of digital or analog, because in CD's the music
is still stored as a continuous, if some what squared, sine wave, in the
form of ones and zeros. The CD does not break up the signal at all. If
the hard disk store music in a continuous sine wave like CDs do, then
the storage volume would be greatly reduced, imaging like instead of
5000 songs, you'd probably only have 300 songs! It's either quality or
convenience, you'll have to choose because you can't have both! Just
like a Ferrari or a Range Rover! The Ferrari is great on track or roads,
but the Range Rover is best for off roads."

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