edwardian wrote: 
> Klaus, I read your document, and unless I missed something, you were
> resampling from 16/44.1 to 24/96? Is that correct? Did you ever try
> going from 16/44.1 to 24/88.2 or 24/176.4? If so, did you hear any
> difference (compared to 24/96)?
> And I also tried SOX upsampling in LMS a while ago, but I remember at
> the time that I didn't like the idea that it only output FLAC (as all my
> music is WAV). But are you saying that was only because it was going
> from 16 bit to 24 bit? IOW, if I first convert some files to 24bit
> (offline) and then use SOX in LMS to upsample in realtime (say from
> 24/44.1 to 24/176.4), will it output PCM? Or is there any other method
> to use SOX in LMS and have it output PCM?
> Thanks.
> edward

I tried all kind of SR combinations. 

Beside that I was told that top quality algorithms do not need
synchronous SRC.

Have a look at http://src.infinitewave.ca/ to figure out the artefacts
associated to SRC. If you look at the graphs of top quality converters, 
you wouldn't expect any "data" related losses.
You don't see any artefacts on 44.1 -> 96 conversions.

I btw also tried 

r8brain pro

beside SOX, since some of tha AA fellows swear Izoptope or Adobe would
be the leading packages. I could not tell a difference. That's why I
stayed with Sox as a free package.

Asynchronous vs. synchronous plays a bigger role in HW reclocking
implemtentations. You might catch intermodulation problems.

However. You can simply change the numbers and try by yourself. 

If anybody has a better idea. Shoot. I'm very open to try new settings.


Regarding 24bit.

It's not just the bitdepth. It's also the sample rate. A different
sample rate requires reencoding to flacs.

I btw have converted all my tracks to 24bit. Because I'm running
server-based offline volume control using replaygain (EBU R128
compliant, applied with r128gain tool) tags + system specific
attenuation offset. Doing it this way I can continue to stream PCM.
Nowadays I  run my main system without manual volume control. What a


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