JezA wrote: 
> Darren, I'm pretty sure the improvement in sq I hear between the DAC2
> and DAC1 has got absolutely nothing to do with the 3.5db of headroom the
> DAC2 has .. most of my music is competently recorded classical and as
> such isn't brick-walled. Checking peak levels with JRiver I can find
> some climaxes hit 100% for a very brief moment, but my DAC2 is 
> significantly better all the time, not just at orchestral peaks. You
> should try one!
I can believe that Jez. I think what's more significant is IMO using
calibrated mode (bypassing the physical pot) and using digital volume.
Overall this improves channel balance significantly and, from
comparative measurements I've seen at Ken Rockwell, distortion levels
are somewhat better too.

(The DSP headroom thing impacts only a tiny fraction of my collection
... in fact classical crescendos aren't even a problem because a good
recording usually peaks comfortably below 0db ... it's just modern pop
and electronic music which are an issue, and even then a minority, so
unless you listen to a lot of that it's a non-issue.)

Check it, add to it!

SB Touch
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