ralphpnj wrote: 
> Thank you so much for presenting a clear and very reasonable
> introduction and review to this wonderful new product. However I do have
> a few questions which I feel are very important.
> As you know the new audiophile standard for listening to computer based
> audio is the Mac Mini -> USB -> tube based asynchronous USB DAC -> tube
> pre-amp -> tube power amp, at least according to the golden eared gods
> at both TAS and Stereophile. Now the Mac Mini does have a HDMI port so
> clearly the the Quantum HDMI Squeezer + ULTRA Cable set up would be
> ideal except that so few audiophile DAC's presently have HDMI inputs. So
> my two fold question is a) what DAC's presently feature HDMI input and
> b) are there any plans to bring the groundbreaking technology of the
> Quantum HDMI Squeezer + ULTRA Cable to a USB cable?? Please, please,
> pretty please!!

Thank you Ralph for your inquiry.

1. The gods are correct. TAS and Stereophile are written by gentlemen of
distinction who are genetically devoid of earwax and hearing loss. I of
course run a custom HDMI DAC because I'm worth it and could afford to
hire one of the chief digital consultants at Integra, Meridian and
Esoteric to design the circuitry and Nodko-san to have his boutique
Japanese workshop to realize the device with point-to-point soldering
using fine silver wire and hand selected/individually heard components.
The gods are aware that HDMI is best, just that we in the upper crust
will not release this Truth yet. In a couple years, when asynchronous
USB becomes -pass�-, TAS and Stereophile will surely speak more about
HDMI when the general populace is ready. Consider my article a peek of
what is to come. For now, everyone else will need to use their low-end
HDMI receivers or something pedestrian like the NAD M51:

2. As in my interview, those quantum resonances are unique to small
connectors and especially micro-HDMI. In recent E-mail exchanges with
QuantaVibes, I do believe they will be -trying -to recalculate the
equations for micro-USB! It looks like USB users could very well be in
for some fun ;). This could be especially wonderful for tablet users!

Thank you for the interest...

Yours humbly,
Keaton I. Goulden-Eyre III

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
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