Mnyb wrote: 
> I would,suggests that Archimago has the equipment and the vervital to
> test this , but I doubt he will .
> He has done similar products, so one more ?.
> And by the reason I jut gave that there are endless flawed ideas for
> every correct one it would be endless work to follow every weird audio
> idea out there .

Yeah... As per this post back in April:

Using a decent DAC with an asynchronous USB interface device (CM6631A -
same interface as the newer Schiit DAC's) , I was unable to measure a
significant difference between Mac (OS X) vs. Windows 8 computer. As
such, I cannot imagine what would lead to a significant difference if I
were to install this software but running Windows Server 2012 on the
same hardware as my Win8 computer!

Getting a full version of Server 2012 isn't cheap and it's not exactly
the kind of OS optimized for multimedia applications!

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