darrenyeats wrote: 
> I wonder if the "dynamically compressed recordings" as a reason for the
> fatigue was a bit of an excuse. IMO dynamic compression is not welcome
> at the mastering stage, it's "different" to reality ... but that doesn't
> mean it's -unpleasant- per se. A well sorted system should be
> informative, yes, but part of informing is the listener taking an
> interest - think infotainment! Also, taking modern recordings as a
> whole, Daft Punk's RAM isn't the harshest by any means?

Yes, I do agree that dynamic compression itself doesn't necessarily lead
to fatigue, but my feeling is that it is in general something that
contributes to the sensation. My feeling has always been that a good
system be neutral tonally and transparent enough to convey the lowest
audible detail. I do believe the Nautilus system was able to do this.

However, the music is what it is! Tracks like the disco-tinged "Give
Life Back to Music" off RAM has a lot of high end energy and when mixed
with those synthetically sharpened auto-tuned vocals, adds to the
perception of fatigue for me in whatever system I listen to. While a DR9
isn't bad for the track (or for modern pop productions), I can't help
but feel that the squashing of dynamics just adds to the "treble
overload". Sure, those sizzling trebles sound great in my car and cheap
headphones, but on a superb system... Not so much IMO.

Don't get me wrong though... I love Daft Punk. I would not necessarily
change the production. Just that I find it more tolerable for longer
term listening when I roll off the highs with an EQ from about 10kHz in
the main system :-). And in the context of the Nautilus, I wonder if
those trebles excite ringing in the aluminium tweeters...

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