ralphpnj wrote: 
> You must be joking!
> If you mean by "the broader audio community" everyone EXCEPT audiophiles
> then perhaps there may be a very small kernel of truth buried somewhere
> but as far as I can tell things shake out like this:
> 1) In the broader non-audiophile audio community almost NO ONE cares
> about sound quality, as in whatever iTunes sells is good enough and
> everything iTunes sells is worthless from an audio perspective.
> 2) The audiophile community gets their marching orders from the various
> high end audio publications, whether in print or online, and the various
> high end audio publications get their marching orders from their
> advertisers and their advertisers are in business to sell things. Right
> now the manufacturers of DACs want people to buy new DACs and so the
> need for DSD capable DACs is being drummed into audiophile's gullible
> little brains.
> The small kernel of truth I mentioned exists because in spite of the
> above there are a very small handful of artists, producers, recording
> engineers, record labels, vendors, etc. who actually care about sound
> quality and NOT ripping people off. Basically whenever I come across a
> well recorded, great sounding recording I consider it just a very lucky
> fluke.

I guess my very unscientific take is that I'm reading more pushback in
the forums I frequent, more people calling b-s on various unsupported
claims. I'm not saying the argument's been won, or close to it, but it's
at least easier to get a dissenting opinon these days, with Arch's blog
posts being a fine example.

Second, a question: for the last decade I've bought cds and ripped to
lossless. This season, I did my first extensive blind a/b/x testing and
realized I could tell absolutely no difference between my rips and
iTunes. I've switched over the last few months to buying audio from
iTunes because a.) it's cheaper and b.) it's one less thing I have to
keep track of/store in my home. You're not a fan of iTunes, apparently.
What am I missing? (You and I tend to listen to the same stuff, I


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