the ability to differentiate between MP3 and FLAC is merely a function
of the recording quality - c'mon that's baiting for the oldest flame war
:) good ole 80-20 rule... only 20% of your music collection *rightfully*
deserves to be FLAC'd for sound quality. but you may FLAC it all for

as to HD recordings of every time that magically get remastered... some
are better... some are worse. the gatekeeper there may not be the *pure*
sound quality, it may just be our preference for one of the two
recordings period. but i have several recordings where my plain ole
16bit 44kHz back-in-the-day-CD rip beats the bells-and-whistles new
24bit 192kHz re-issue i felt compelled to buy to contribute to the
artist's estate... :)

our hobby is a funny one. and if you are an audiophile you are like
Sisyphus rolling up the rock that mountain to then do it all over again.
otherwise you would have stayed with you first system, come on. :D

Server: Virtual Machine running Ubuntu 12.04 + LMS 7.7.3 on VMware
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
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