Well.....I will "out" myself....I did the test and....didn´t hear a

I didn´d A/B'ing intantaneously but rather "just" played the whole
"album", song after song, from my NAS=> Touch => DAC => Integrated =>

So does that make me an non-believer? Guess not. 
I assume there will be people out there who can hear some differences.
Probably they are i) more experienced in "dedicated" listening (because
they know where they should listen to and know how this or that
instrument should sound like) or ii) have much better
high-end-audiophile-equipment or have iii) a better hearing capability.

Or maybe a mixture of all above :-)

So in the end....I´m looking forward to the findings.

@Archimago: thanks for the test. Really enjoyed it and keep on doing the
eye/(ear)-opener stuff :-)

Damn...but I would really like to know if someone really could hear the
difference by just playing song after song.

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