... goes to Helmut Brinkmann of Brinkmann Audio GmbH, manufacturer of
the Balance 2 vinyl player and RöNt II power supply.

I happened to read the review in Hi-Fi News (the only non-pro audio mag
I still subscribe to - they used to be pretty good, with decent
measurements for the "hi-res" record reviews etc., but seem to be going

In the review, there is a breakout box with Helmut Brinkmann explaining
why the RöNt II (how do they come up with these names?) power supply is
equipped with valves. I quote:

> The tubes in the RöNt II act like a a mains power conditioner, due to
> their vacuum. Additionally, they add all the sonic advantages of tubes
> like better texture and musical flow, just as in a good amp.

So this is in the power supply that drives the turntable motor.

Unfortunately the reviewer, Adam Smith, doesn't question this at all.
Great example of cargo cult science (or sympathetic magic and voodoo).
Tubes, when used in amplifiers,  provide "sonic advantages" such as
"better texture and musical flow", so naturally they convey the same
benefits even if not in any way part of the signal path - simply by
being there. Due to their vacuum, I guess...

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953
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