darrenyeats wrote: 
> Well, I zoned in on the last track, in fact the first two notes of the
> first track.
> Here were my results (I won't refer to A or B, because I don't want to
> influence anyone else, I shall refer to Vanilla and Chocolate, but I
> won't tell you if Chocolate or Vanilla is A or B!)
> I created a playlist of just the Chocolate and Vanilla version of the
> last track (piano) and I did a blind test in "rounds", each round I
> randomly shuffled the playlist, hit next several times, and tried to
> determine if I liked one or the other.
> On the first round I liked Chocolate. So after that, I just tried to
> pick that likeable Chocolate sound.
> Basically, I zoomed through the first three rounds, and picked Chocolate
> each time. I heard a clear difference.
> Fourth and fifth rounds I was starting to think there might be something
> in it. Picked Chocolate relatively quickly both times.
> Sixth and seventh rounds I picked Chocolate somewhat quickly and by this
> time I was excited because I was convinced it wasn't luck.
> Eighth round I picked Vanilla. I rushed it but forgiveable.
> Ninth round I picked Chocolate but I really struggled and it took
> longer. Perhaps my confidence was knocked by round eight.
> Tenth round, I'd really lost it. Cars and ice-cream vans passing outside
> disturbed the quiet, I grumbled, I sighed, I got sweaty and twitchy. I
> spent 2-3 minutes going back and forth and picked Vanilla.
> I tried listening to some other music and coming back, but at the moment
> I can't determine a difference, I've definitely lost it! However, I will
> choose Chocolate on the survey because I preferred it when I thought I
> was hearing the difference, I can remember the nature of the difference
> I thought I heard, and I can remember being confident.
> I tried to keep the above as factual as possible, you may have your own
> interpretation of the story. Personally, I feel what happened is
> consistent with my previous statements about fatigue with blind tests.
> PS: Just remembered, the Touch started getting very laggy and
> unresponsive, intermittently, for up to 20 seconds, nearer the end of
> the test. Not sure if this had any relevance (beyond raising my blood
> pressure!)
> PPS: I was fully expecting (and secretly hoping) I wouldn't hear any
> difference at all. Almost all my collection is 16 bit so if I'm really
> hearing a difference, this could be bad ...! I will try again later and
> report back.

Nice play-by-play... We shall see which was chocolate see enough :-).

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