Lots of valid answers, but I see nobody has yet addressed one of Jerry's
initial questions:

JerryS wrote: 
> ... should I be buying remastered or non-remastered music?  Am I likely
> to be able to hear the difference anyway since I can't tell the
> difference between mp3 and flac?
Inability to hear a difference between MP3 and FLAC has very little to
do with your age. Well made MP3s are audibly indistinguishable from the
original for most listeners, regardless of their hearing acuity.

Remasters, on the other hand, almost always obviously sound different to
the previous version, regardless of whether you get them as MP3 or CD.
Note that I said *different*, not *better*. And as many others have
pointed out, it's hit and miss whether you will prefer the original or
the remaster.

Transporter -> ATC SCM100A
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