doctor_big wrote: 
> I'm a touch confused:  "very similar" isn't "the same", and my
> (admittedly superficial) reading of this and other threads in here sees
> repeated use of words like  "indistinguishable" to describe the sound of
> two amps and DACs that measure the same, regardless of cost. 
> Build quality is obviously different, but I was asking specifically
> about sound quality.  
> If all these overbuilt audiophile amps and DACs are really high-priced
> nonsense, then they should offer no sonic improvements over their
> inexpensive well-engineered counterparts.  (Again, given the amp is
> driving a compatible speaker load and efficiency)
> Could you please clarify?
> Thanks,
> Jason

I will do my best to try and clarify.

The first problem is the vast majority of audiophiles and the high end
audio community in general who steadfastly refuse to use double blind
testing (DBT) of any kind on any piece of audio equipment. Without DBTs
any and all comments about the sound of any and all audio equipment
becomes simply a case of he said/she said and any reviewer can make just
about any statement regardless of whether or not it is even possible for
humans to hear the sonic differences in question. For example high end
audio reviewers often claim to frequencies that humans cannot hear
and/or pico second jitter that humans cannot hear, etc.

The second problem is the frequent exaggeration of minor sonic
differences into unbelievably wide chasms. With every new mega-buck amp.
preamp, DAC, etc. comes a new round of worthless superlatives -
revolutionary, groundbreaking, new sonic frontiers, etc.

So while a $50K mega-buck amp may offer a very slight sonic difference
over a much less expensive amp, this minor difference (I say difference
since it really up the individual as to whether or not that difference
is actually an improvement) is blown way out of proportion. Expensive
interconnect cables, speaker wires and power cords fall into this
category. Cables may sound different from each other but different does
not necessarily mean better.

Another problem is that many pieces of high end audio gear are overbuilt
strictly as a means to partially justify their high price. Solid
aluminum face plates do nothing to improve the sound but go a long way
in justifying the high cost.

Still another problem is the law of diminishing returns - a $200 amp may
offer 95% of the performance of a $50,000 amp and a $5000 amp may offer
98% of the performance of a the same $50,000 amp. Often one has to
decide if the huge increase in price justifies the small improvement in
performance. Of course price is all too often not an issue for the high
end reviewer who either get the equipment on a semi-permanent loan or a
vastly reduced price. For the rest of us mere morals, price is very

So until the audiophile world decides to work with a level playing field
then there will be those of us who will continue to shout how the
emperor has no clothes.

Living Rm: Transporter-SimAudio pre/power amps-Vandersteen 3A Sign. &
Home Theater: Touch-Marantz HTR-Energy Veritas 2.1 & Linn sub
Computer Rm: Touch-Headroom Desktop w/DAC-Aragon amp-Energy Veritas 2.1
& Energy sub
Bedroom: Touch-HR Desktop w/DAC-Audio Refinement amp-Energy Veritas 2.0
Guest Rm: Duet-Sony soundbar
Garage: SB3-JVC compact system
Controls: iPeng; SB Controller; Moose & Muso
Server: SBS on dedicated windows 7 computer w/2 Drobos
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