doctor_big wrote: 
> It's a little clearer. But still some questions: 
> (I'll say "better" here but I understand your point about "different"
> and personal choice as to which is preferred) The $5k amp can sound
> better than the $200 amp.  And the $50k amp may well sound better than
> the $5k amp (am I correct in paraphrasing your comparison?).  But it's
> not the solid aluminum faceplate that's responsible for the improvement,
> it's something else that's responsible?
> So it is possible to assemble a system for, say $10k (not counting in
> speakers which I deduce is where you believe that spending more gets
> better sound)  that is going to sound better than one for $500? Again,
> given that all components in both systems are well engineered?
> Thanks,
> Jason

Sorry to have to use this word: depends, as in it depends on a quite a
few factors. What kind of speakers, where are the speakers be placed,
how loud do you like to listen to music, will you be using a subwoofer,
etc. All of these factors are important and should be taken into
consideration when assembling an audio system.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when I say that a $200 amp may
offer 95% of the performance of a $50,000 amp it doesn't necessarily
mean that the $50,000 amp sounds better all the time but rather that the
$200 sounds as good as the $50,000 amp 95% of the time. In other words
what the extra $49,800 gets you is better sound 5% of the time, say
during an orchestral peak or a very low bass note, otherwise the two
amps may indeed sound almost identical, meaning that in a double blind
test one would not be able to reliably tell the difference. But then
DBTs are verboten in the world of high end audio.

Living Rm: Transporter-SimAudio pre/power amps-Vandersteen 3A Sign. &
Home Theater: Touch-Marantz HTR-Energy Veritas 2.1 & Linn sub
Computer Rm: Touch-Headroom Desktop w/DAC-Aragon amp-Energy Veritas 2.1
& Energy sub
Bedroom: Touch-HR Desktop w/DAC-Audio Refinement amp-Energy Veritas 2.0
Guest Rm: Duet-Sony soundbar
Garage: SB3-JVC compact system
Controls: iPeng; SB Controller; Moose & Muso
Server: SBS on dedicated windows 7 computer w/2 Drobos
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