Thanks for that.

Mnyb wrote: 
> No 24/96 is not enough for DoP .
> I concur with the idea to use flac as much as possible for the
> transporter I suggest not to use the highest compression rates for 24/96
> something like -5 would do , Transporter can on rare occasions hiccup on
> hard compressed flac files .
> Do you already have such files ? Easy to fix flac them again with a
> lower setting from the files you have . That's the Beaty of lossless .
> On server decoding helps with some rare MP3 ( well documented ) . Aiff
> possibly needed for higher rates it is soo on Touch it does not play
> 24/96 aiff . Alac TP does not play it Touch does but not hirez so server
> transcoding needed .
> Flac and WAV works all the way to 24/96 unproblematic to use . However
> the default setting in LMS is to server transcode wav to flac the
> purpose is to save wifi bandwith it is a really good idea to keep it
> that way .
> Flac files have much better tag support so there it is again .
> There simply is no need to transcode flac to pcm on the server .
> The file types setting are not really " quality settings " they are
> there to handle odd cases where the default rules don't work such as NAS
> boxes and software players or very odd radio channels . With a "normal"
> server and a Transporter you can just leave them at the factory settings
> , you can often create you own problems by changing them to much.
> I know that there is a shool of thought that server transcoding "sounds
> better" but in fact the squeezeboxes outputs the exact same thing
> electrically with every lossles format so whats on the outputs does not
> change . if you " hear a difference " anyway when there is none.
> I may suggest a properly conducted ABX test that should settle that and
> make life and fiddling with LMS easier :)
> And delete all reaplay gain tags in the flac files when doing ABX .
> I think a large amount of FUD around FLAC vs WAV comes from the fact
> that FLAC can use replay gain tags ,these tells the player hardware to
> play the files with a differen and in 99% of the case lower volume !
> that sound really different !
> All gain functions can be turned off in the player settings , there are
> many formats that use volume normalisation I prefer not to .
> Also to guarantee bit perfect output to the DAC gain settings should be
> off its not enough to have the volume at 100%
> Another venue for experimentation is to actually not use 100% volume
> with the external ( or internal ) DAC on some recordings . Not all DAC's
> handle intersample peaks well , this can be an issue with modern over
> compressed loudness war recordings .
> Intersample peak,or intersample,over is the term to Google .

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