paulster wrote: 
> Nice job... as always.
> I've been at a loss this last few years to understand whether these
> 'high-end' cable companies offering their special digital cables truly
> believe that they are somehow better, or whether they know they make no
> difference but that they have a market that will willingly pay stupid
> money for luxury materials in the belief that it must actually be
> better.  It's an ethical problem for me, but then that's maybe why I
> don't run a hi-fi cable business.

I'm willing to bet that for the most part, it's the latter. They know
that they're selling products that generally make no difference. Sure,
sometimes better shielding *might* improve certain situations and other
times maybe they have an excellent connector that locks better or
something... I suspect they will justify these properties as worthy of a
certain price point in their own minds no matter how small some of these
"improvements" may be. I guess one would have to do this to feel OK
about charging these exorbitant prices... Otherwise, we're dealing with
fraudulent sociopaths.

Like the 'recent article that some engineers at Pono don't really
believe the hi-res are \"techinically\" better than CD'
I won't be surprised if there are differences in opinions in any single
company... Some "true believers" and others who just have a job to do.

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