netchord wrote: 
> is '$8.98 super expensive?'
> (
> i recently switched from transporter connected wirelessly, to wired w/
> the above cable to an Airport Extreme, which in turn connects wirelessly
> to another AE that has a wired connection (via same cable) to my
> router.
> and it sounds better than wireless.
> the reason for the switch really had little to do with the transporter,
> but with some other equipment (Apple TV) that was having issues.  if i
> had to characterize the difference, i'd say "greater dynamic range."
> but "better" in any event.
> go figure.
According to your sig you use the Transporter as transport only but hear
better dynamics over ethernet against wireless?

Transporter (modded) -> RG142 -> Avantgarde Acoustic based 500VA
monoblocks -> Sommer SPK240 -> self-made speakers
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