Mnyb wrote: 
> i think my own involvement in the general sceptic movement actually made
> me see the errors in my own ways .
> Audiophilia is just a smal part of more general problem . Alternative
> medicin and other healt scams are the big ones you have billions of
> dollars sunk into these so it's not likely to go away soon . But I think
> it's a worthy cause .
> If you go for root cause analysis , our ability to be fooled is behind
> much of our problems .
> Don't get me started on anti vaccine people , you know measles are back
> in the U.S.  now the idiots actually managed to brake the heard imunity
> .....
> That's why I present myself as an example that we can all be fooled ,
> and I'm convinced that this is a harmless problem . Buying the
> audiophile scam ( or any other scam or cult ) can further erode your
> ability for critical thinking .

Indeed. And that is pretty much the only reason I bother to get into
audiophile flame wars - wasting money on silly cables is not a big
thing, but rejecting critical thinking is, and if we are to save this
planet and survive as a species, it is not going to be through
truthiness, superfoods and unicorns.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953
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