ralphpnj wrote: 
> Thank you rgro and all of the above only adds to what I have been saying
> all along: that since using USB as a means of transmitting digital audio
> data is so filled with problems, issues and noise why do audiophiles
> insist on using USB when there are means of transmitting digital audio
> to the input of a DAC?
> I predict that the next big thing in high end audio FUD will be all the
> problems and issues that arise when using Bluetooth for streaming
> digital audio and all the $$$ audiophiles will have to spend to fix
> these issues.
You are correct that there are problems with using USB as a means of
transmitting digital audio data. There are also problems (but different
ones) with using SPDIF wired or optical, ethernet, Wifi. The fact of the
matter is that computers were not intended for audio & hence not optimal
as far as high quality audio use is concerned. However, as the issues
are being uncovered & solved the quality of audio is vastly improving &
will continue to do so until it is accepted that there are more
considerations than just the delivery of the bits for quality audio.

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