arnyk wrote: 
> Wow, jkeny has empowered himself to speak for the 100's if not 1000's of
> people who post on this forum!
> Amazing!
> What you jkeny and others  around here don't get is that once one
> obtains a certain critical mass of knowledge and experience and has the
> mental power to put it together correctly, one achieves a certain level
> of clarity.
> I've had the privilege of knowing personally over a period of many years
> some of the great modern minds of audio, people like David Clark, Earl
> Geddes, and James Johnston. In their areas of expertise they have
> achieved a relatively high  level of clarity.
> One of the consequences of well-informed and well-experienced clarity in
> a certain area is that many things that are confusing to others are
> unbelievably clear to them. This clarity enables the execution of
> wonderful acts of diagnosis and invention. For example James Johnston
> was an important member of the two different but overlapping small
> groups of people who invented first MP3, and then AAC encoding. Earl
> Geddes holds fundamental patents he was the sole developer of related to
> speakers that, while they will probably be mostly broken before they are
> widely used, nevertheless his scientific papers and patents have enabled
> a lot of effective development in that area. 
> People who have this clarity can leap over confusion and make things
> that were once confusing to all, clear to themselves and others.
> One of the consequences of such limited clarity as I have been able to
> obtain in certain narrow areas, is that in those areas and in some cases
> I have sufficient clarity about certain audio components such as DACs
> and amplifiers that I know what they are and what they can do in terms
> of practical use and subjective experience. This clarity allows me to
> study things, test things, and realize certain things about them that
> turn out to be true and helpful in somewhat widespread use and in the
> long run. 
> It was that kind of clarity that enabled me to develop ABX from what it
> was in 1950 to where I took it back in the middle-late 1970s.  It was
> that clarity that enabled me to do what I did back in Y2K to popularize
> what I called PCABX which we now see implemented in wonderful tools like
> FB2K/ABX. Everybody who does anything of value stands on the shoulder of
> others.
> It is often clarity that enables people to see audio placeboes for what
> they are. It clarity about certain things that is why I  and certain
> others say that knowing the technology that we know we can not ethically
> be involved with certain audio products.
> It is probably that clarity that you call Motivations, but if you
> understand  clarity you realize that while clarity can be motivation it
> is not really the kind of negative thing that you make it out to be. It
> is power to do good. It is the power to act positively. It is the power
> to speak directly.
> It probably takes a certain amount of clarity to understand higher
> levels of clarity.
> I wish you could have a little clarity, jkeny. I really do. No matter
> how you may wish to pretend that you have clarity, well IME not so much.
> It is that lack of clarity about certain critical areas of audio that
> explains the muddle of deflections, gross technical errors and libels
> that you have imposed on this forum just lately.

Holy shit!  I had no idea that Arny had -clarity!-  That he understood,
grokked, -knew- (in the biblical sense) everything about audio, down to
the quantum level.  He's Jesus, Neo and Einstein all rolled into one.
It's no wonder our petty, childish arguments bounce off his heavenly
armour.  He's got -clarity!-

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.  Add in Ralph's proselytizing,
his -testifying -about how he's found faith by leaving the unbeliever
audiophiles, and it's pretty darn clear that we're dealing with
fundamentalists and we all know how fruitful it is arguing against them.
Once again, it's like trying to nail jello to a wall.  Further, I get
the feeling that Arny gleans a significant dosage of much-needed
self-affirmation from these sorts of arguments - what else would possess
him to wade into a forum dedicated to a product he doesn't even own and
start up a controversial slam-down of a product produced by one of the
foremost contributors.  

So ralph, julf et all, your cult leader is now amongst us, and you're
saved.  Unfortunately those of us with less skin in the game will still
just quietly play with our stereos and swap around some components, and
never reach the transcendence you've achieved.  As an aside, thank you
SO much for your ceaseless work to protect us from the evil audio
companies and their toadies the audio press, as they collude for world
domination.   I'm you can all meet in Arny's basement (which I am still
putting good odds on being panelled in rich oak veneer) and figure out
how to bust wide open their manipulation of the markets that soak us for
SO much money.  

It's totally, utterly clear that there is less than no point debating,
or even trying to have a reasonable conversation with you guys.  Your
minds are completely made up.  Contrast your attitudes with those of any
of the other reasonable folks in here - if someone shows any of us that
hey - this USB doodad doesn't do squat, well then, we'd respond with
"oh, that's a shame" and move on. Just like the fundies on the jesus
boards, you would be utterly unable to do this.  You'd wriggle and
squirm, and try to find a way out of this.  Your world views are locked,
and you're poorer for it.

So no more of this shit-wallowing for me.  I will not feed these petty,
miserable, sad-sack trolls.  


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