doctor_big wrote: 
> Holy shit!  I had no idea that Arny had -clarity!-  That he understood,
> grokked, -knew- (in the biblical sense) everything about audio, down to
> the quantum level.  He's Jesus, Neo and Einstein all rolled into one.
> It's no wonder our petty, childish arguments bounce off his heavenly
> armour.  He's got -clarity!-
> Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.  Add in Ralph's proselytizing,
> his -testifying -about how he's found faith by leaving the unbeliever
> audiophiles, and it's pretty darn clear that we're dealing with
> fundamentalists and we all know how fruitful it is arguing against them.
> Once again, it's like trying to nail jello to a wall.  Further, I get
> the feeling that Arny gleans a significant dosage of much-needed
> self-affirmation from these sorts of arguments - what else would possess
> him to wade into a forum dedicated to a product he doesn't even own and
> start up a controversial slam-down of a product produced by one of the
> foremost contributors.  
> So ralph, julf et all, your cult leader is now amongst us, and you're
> saved.  Unfortunately those of us with less skin in the game will still
> just quietly play with our stereos and swap around some components, and
> never reach the transcendence you've achieved.  As an aside, thank you
> SO much for your ceaseless work to protect us from the evil audio
> companies and their toadies the audio press, as they collude for world
> domination.   I'm you can all meet in Arny's basement (which I am still
> putting good odds on being panelled in rich oak veneer) and figure out
> how to bust wide open their manipulation of the markets that soak us for
> SO much money.  
> It's totally, utterly clear that there is less than no point debating,
> or even trying to have a reasonable conversation with you guys.  Your
> minds are completely made up.  Contrast your attitudes with those of any
> of the other reasonable folks in here - if someone shows any of us that
> hey - this USB doodad doesn't do squat, well then, we'd respond with
> "oh, that's a shame" and move on. Just like the fundies on the jesus
> boards, you would be utterly unable to do this.  You'd wriggle and
> squirm, and try to find a way out of this.  Your world views are locked,
> and you're poorer for it.
> So no more of this shit-wallowing for me.  I will not feed these petty,
> miserable, sad-sack trolls.  
> Jason

Once again you state the misguided belief that I and some of the other
members of this forum believe that all things audio have reached their
highest possible limit. Nothing could be further from the truth. What I
believe (and I don't profess to speak for anyone else) is that many of
the problems and issues generated by the audio gurus are nonsense and
are simply a means of keeping the audio faithful in the fold. All I try
to do is keep my focus (and the money I spend) on things that actually
can and do make a difference, and by "difference" I mean a clear
improvement in sound quality that I can hear.

The world of high end audio is very quickly becoming part of the world
of luxury goods and in the world of luxury goods the relationship
between price and performance is meaningless. In the audio world I
occupy the relationship between price and performance is still very
important and so I happily listen to my SB Touch connected to an
external DAC via a coax digital cable in spite of the fact that in the
world of high end audio the Touch is considered a plastic POS and both
the Touch and coax digital are yesterday's news.

I find it very amusing that to many audiophiles older equipment is
considered substandard while older recordings made using really old
equipment are worshiped, e.g. "Kind of Blue". Now how is it possible
that a recording made in the late 1950s is still revered when since that
time, according to the audio gurus, there have been countless iterations
of "night and day" improvements in the world of audio? Funny how the
improvements are only on the playback side of things.

Living Rm: Transporter-SimAudio pre/power amps-Vandersteen 3A Sign. &
Home Theater: Touch-Marantz HTR-Energy Veritas 2.1 & Linn sub
Computer Rm: Touch-Headroom Desktop w/DAC-Aragon amp-Energy Veritas 2.1
& Energy sub
Bedroom: Touch-HR Desktop w/DAC-Audio Refinement amp-Energy Veritas 2.0
Guest Rm: Duet-Sony soundbar
Garage: SB3-JVC compact system
Controls: iPeng; SB Controller; Moose & Muso
Server: SBS on dedicated windows 7 computer w/2 Drobos
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