jkeny wrote: 
> However, if you are struggling to understand what problems using
> asynchronous USB solved then you really are dumber than I thought &
> further strengthens my viewpoint that you are measurebators who twiddle
> with your instrument but don't really know what it's for or how to use
> it. Shameful

I've tried really hard to answer all of your attempts at tripping me up
with nicely phrased replies and no ill intent but you continue to cast
aspersions about my understanding of the technical issues in all of this
USB hubbub.

Here's what I know:

The presence of jitter in digital audio is not a new issue and has been
dealt with in various ways since the introduction of the compact disc
back in the mid 1980s. However unless the CD player was really poorly
designed and/or manufactured any jitter present was completely
inaudible, either because the level of the jitter was well below the
noise floor or because the jitter was in the pico second range. One
thing that was true is that even in well designed and built CD players
jitter was present and could be measured.

As computer based audio and the of USB and USB DACs took off there was
found to higher levels of jitter in the digital signal carried via a
typical computer's USB port due the digital data being transmitted in a
non-asynchronous manner. However, as in the case for the CD players, the
vast majority of the USB induced jitter was inaudible since either  the
level of the jitter was well below the noise floor or because the jitter
was in the pico second range, except of course for those really badly
designed and poorly built USB ports, in which case the jitter might
actually be in the nano-second range (a very, very, very, very rare

Now here is where it gets really interesting and the audiophile magic
and voodoo kicks in. At some point several years ago some audiophile
guru (I believe that it was one the "well respected" high end audio
manufacturers, aka snake oil salesman) claimed to clearly hear (not just
measure) jitter in the analog output of a USB DAC being fed digital
audio data via USB from a computer. I don't know if the jitter in
question was in the pico or nano second range but in either case
anything in those ranges is completely inaudible to humans due the
limitations of human hearing based on biological science. Apparently
audiophiles have super human hearing capabilities.

Now it was also known that by using an asynchronous USB signal instead
of a non-asynchronous USB the jitter level could be greatly reduced and
so the audiophile fixation on asynchronous USB was born.

All of the above is a classic example of audiophile FUD (fear,
uncertainty and doubt) in it full and mighty glory. A fake problem is
introduced (audible jitter) and equally fake solution is introduced
(asynchronous USB) and the money started rolling in as all good
audiophile fell in line and waited in line to buy all those pointless
asynchronous USBs. Absolutely beautiful and a required lesson to be
learned for all future snake oil salesmen.

By the way, if I got any of that wrong please let me with specific
references and valid links to non-audiophile sites since any link to any
audiophile site is as pointless as an asynchronous USB DAC.

Living Rm: Transporter-SimAudio pre/power amps-Vandersteen 3A Sign. &
Home Theater: Touch-Marantz HTR-Energy Veritas 2.1 & Linn sub
Computer Rm: Touch-Headroom Desktop w/DAC-Aragon amp-Energy Veritas 2.1
& Energy sub
Bedroom: Touch-HR Desktop w/DAC-Audio Refinement amp-Energy Veritas 2.0
Guest Rm: Duet-Sony soundbar
Garage: SB3-JVC compact system
Controls: iPeng; SB Controller; Moose & Muso
Server: SBS on dedicated windows 7 computer w/2 Drobos
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