<snip a long list of irrelevant attempts at libel and the expected
deflections when cornered>

jkeny wrote: 
> However, if you are struggling to understand what problems using
> asynchronous USB solved then you really are dumber than I thought &
> further strengthens my viewpoint that you are measurebators who twiddle
> with your instrument but don't really know what it's for or how to use
> it. Shameful

I fully understand the purported problems that Asynch USB claimed to
solve, probably better than you because I understand how questionable
the discussion has been, and obviously you don't.

Typical attempt at deflection, but by being unable to provide references
related to the purported issues related to Asynch USB have just proved
my point. If a agressive advocate of Aysnch USB can't provide even just
one solid link to what I asked for, for all practical purposes it must
not exist.

I'm not struggling, you are because you are again a no-show and
deflector when asked what should be an easy question.

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