Mnyb wrote: 
> Did I get this right can you actually hear this ? It must be something a
> bit odd about the ht bypass input in your preamp ? Is it very high gain
> ?

>From the article:

"One could see the "glass half full" when we run into imperfections in
the audio system. For example, it was serendipitous that the Emotiva
XSP-1 pre-amp had such a noise-sensitive unbalanced "HT Bypass" input
that I was able to detect noise and measure it previously."


"Okay, to end off... Let me remind everyone one more time that what I'm
measuring with the 8kHz noise here is because of the Emotiva XSP-1's
sensitivity to noise through the "Home Theater Bypass" input. The 8kHz
tone is NOT something I have ever heard / measured coming out of a
reputable DAC's analogue outputs! Nor is it something that's found in
Stereophile USB DAC measurements. If it were not for this noise
sensitivity, I would not even have bothered with looking at ways to
attenuate the computer USB noise. Nonetheless, I think this is an
interesting real-life demonstration of the noise pollution that can come
out of the computer's USB port and a solution that works reasonably
well. I did not bother with jitter tests this time as I have never seen
the Dunn J-Test change in any substantial fashion with the use of a hub
with an asynchronous DAC (see the measurements last time). Think you
have a jitter issue? Save up the cash and buy a better asynchronous USB
DAC - forget cables and tweak products IMO."

I think the first paragraph pretty well says it, and the second one
leaves no questoins.

My read is that the Emotiva XSP-1' "Home Theater Bypass" input is so
sensitive to noise because it is unbalanced, and because it is just
plain atypically sensitive to noise.

Stuff happens!

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