cliveb wrote: 
> Be careful before you dismiss Michael's inability to hear a difference
> as being down to age.
> You say you hear clear differences between DACs, but have you made that
> comparison blind? Until you've done that, the results of your comparison
> really don't count.
> Let me pass on a personal anecdote. Some years ago I borrowed a Lucid
> DAC to compare it against my CD player. The Lucid was (at the time) a
> well-regarded 24/96 bitstream converter. My CD player had a Philips
> TDA1541 (16/44 multibit) DAC. Ignoring the lunatic NOS designs, it's
> difficult to find two less similar DAC topologies, so you'd expect them
> to sound very different. And indeed, after level matching using the
> Lucid's output level trimmers, I heard a clear difference - the Lucid
> seemed a bit more detailed. But when I got my wife to run a blind test
> by flipping a coin and switching between them, I scored a hit rate of
> precisely 50%. *The moral of this story is clear: when you know what
> you're listening to, you can't trust that what you hear is only due to
> the sound they make*.

The moral of the story is - do a proper blind test!

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