ralphpnj wrote: 
> No one is questioning your dedication to obtaining the best possible
> sound from your audio system and I for one certainly respect your quest
> for better sound. What we are questioning is your blind faith in so many
> of these charlatans claiming to be audio experts and the marketing
> departments of high end audio equipment manufacturers. Sure there are
> lots of ways to improve the sound of an audio system, all many of us are
> trying to do is to steer you away from the blind alley and rabbit holes
> of that constitute so much of high end audio. Audiophile power cords,
> USB cables, pricy interconnects and speaker wires are all very nice but
> they do nothing to improve the sound of audio system. Room treatments,
> proper component matching, speaker placement and even upgrading/updating
> older equipment are all areas that have the potential to actually
> improve the sound of one's audio system. Plus there is the added bonus
> of knowing that most of us on this forum are not trying to sell you
> something or keep an advertiser happy and therefore do not have any
> hidden agenda or motives.
> Remember that many of us where once dyed in the wool audiophiles just
> like you (a quick look at our equipment lists will bear this out) but
> over time we started to question some of the claims being made by the
> audiophile gurus and slowly we began to see things differently.
> An example of what I'm trying to say is my evolving attitude towards to
> the headphones I own or would like to purchase. In my "audiophile" days
> I would get a new headphones and immediately start looking to upgrade
> the cables. Now I get new headphones and no longer worry about the
> cables since I pretty the stock cables that came with the Beyerdynamic
> T1s or the Sennheiser HD800s are quite capable of delivering high
> quality sound. I am also quite sure that difference between the
> Beyerdynamic T1 and the Beyerdynamic DT 880s (both of which I own) is
> vastly greater than say the difference between my ten year old Headroom
> Desktop Amp and the new Oppo headphone amp. Not that I wouldn't enjoy
> having a new Oppo headphone amp. So, you see, I don't by a long stretch
> believe that everything sounds the same, it's just that now I try to
> focus my attention and money towards things that can and do actually
> make a difference.
> All of the above is an attempt to try and help you to understand where
> many are coming from since you seem o have some trouble understanding
> our position. And besides I'm really getting tried of all the hostility
> - from all sides. In end I think that you will find that we are all on
> the same journey, just a points along that journey.

Whoever the reasonable fellow is that stole ralphpnj's login and
password that allows him to post here, please give it back to him ;>).


System information
Main: Vortexbox/Squeezelite > USB> Benchmark DAC2 D > LFD LE IV
Signature amp > Revel Performa F208 speakers.  

Home Theatre:  Touch (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5 Classic
5.1, Touch FW 7.8.0-r16754.

LMS 7.9.0 - 0.71.20150313git1426153261 on a 1TB Micro Vortexbox
Appliance, V 2.3.
rgro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=34348
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=96407

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