jh901 wrote: 
> Blind faith?  ABX?
> Look, I don't expect everyone to run out and drop a few grand on fancy
> speaker cables just because I suggest that there's an appreciable
> difference.  At the same time, I mean, blind faith!?  I have to ABX or
> else it's blind faith?! 

Not at all, but lets examine the quality of the source of information
that you seem to rely on.

Like just about all audiophiles you probably judge audio gear based on
casual sighted audiophile evaluations, and reviews based on casual
sighted evaluations.

Here are a few things that are fatally wrong with casual sighted
audiophile evaluations:

How does one know that any particular perception is distorted or

I think that what I was taught and did for all of my life to now was;

(1) Exclude extraneous influences that could undesirably affect the

(2) Understand and Control all other major influences that could affect
the conclusion.

Here are what I've found to be the major extraneous influences in
audiophile listening evaluations:

In just about all casual audiophile sighted evaluations the evaluation
totally fails to be a test because there is no reference other than a
highly flawed distant memory or fantasy about what the UUT's would sound
like if their performance were ideal.

In just about all casual audiophile sighted evaluations there is no
formal process for listener selection or training. The listeners
supervise the test and they select themselves. The equipment and its
setup receives no formal testing.

In just about all casual audiophile sighted evaluations there are no
formal controls over listener bias. Since the test is sighted the
listeners can always correctly identify what they are listening to by
means that have nothing to do with listening. Therefore, not only is the
evaluation not a test, it is generally not about listening. The
evaluation is probably best modeled by a public opinion survey based on
advertising, brand reputation, etc.

In just about all casual audiophile sighted evaluations there is no
formal process for Level Setting or Matching. Listeners pick whatever
listening levels they feel like at the moment in spite of reliable
scientific evidence that listening level is a strong determiner of sound
quality. When two or more pieces of equipment are compared, it is
overwhelmingly likely that they are being listened to at different SPL
and that listener reactions could be more heavily determined by the
differences in SPL than any presumed technical differences among the
equipment itself.\

In just about all casual audiophile sighted evaluations there is no
formal process for controlling the music being used to audition the
equipment. Recording quality is a very strong inflence on listneing
pleasure but its effects are ignored. The evaluation is probably well
modeled by a public opinion survey based on choice of recording being
auditioned. Furthermore, there is no formal process for ensuring that
the pieces of equipment allegedly being compared are listened to with
the same musical selections even when the same recordings are used. The
diagnostic ability of recordings to make a given flaw most audible
changes on a second by second basis, but casual sighted audiophile
evaluations completely ignore this well known fact.

In just about all casual audiophile sighted evaluations there is no
formal process for controlling the associated gear or the listening
room. Audiophiles routinely compare different pieces of equipment
auditioned in different rooms with different associated equipment. If
the differences in sound quality are due to equipment, we don't know
which piece of equipment is actually the controlling factor.

In just about all casual audiophile sighted evaluations changing from
auditioning one alternative to the other is usually very time consuming.
It is typically accomplished by means of cable swapping which can take
several minutes. Sometimes the alternaives are in different homes or
even in different cities, states, or continents. It is well known that
the most subtle and detailed memories of sounds disappear within a few
seconds, so we are assured that the listeners are unable to fully
exercise their perceptual facilities. Thus the possibility that their
reactions are based on actual small differences as they often claim, is
actually zero.

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