jh901 wrote: 
> That's right and that's where experience comes into play.  My listening
> skills are nowhere close to extraordinary, but I've been doing it for
> long enough that I know when I hear a dramatic change in one or more
> aspects of fidelity.

Unfortunately that is a somewhat unscientific thing to say. We are back
to Theory of Knowledge 101 - "How do I know what I know?".

> I don't need come armed with data in order to have a civil discussion in
> an audiophile forum.

No, of course not - but if you are going to make claims, or challenge
statements by people who actually have not only the scientific and
engineering knowledge, but also the actual empirical data, then yes, you
should bring some actual data to the table.

> Sadly, hardcore objectivists can't seem to help themselves.  If I want
> to ask about the new Lampizator GG here in this thread, then I better be
> ready for attacks on the engineer, claims that all DACs are the same,
> bits are bits, and so on.  If there is positive feedback, then those
> folks are fools.  If there are positive pro reviews, then the reviewer
> is a paid shill.  If I get one myself and describe what I'm hearing,
> then my perception is goofy.

That was a lot of stereotyping, assumptions, preconceived notions and

> Yeah, such a fun hobby!

Depends on whet your hobby happens to be. If you want to actually
understand how sound reproduction technology works, then you have to
accept that technology is based on science, and realize that you have to
apply science when discussing it. If, on the other hand, your hobby is
to share the mutual admiration of people who have purchased the right
gear recommended by the right people, there are lots of "proper"
audiophile forums out there...

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953
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